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English translation for "depth focusing"


Related Translations:
new focus auto:  新焦点
depth conversion:  深度变换深度转换
depth gage:  测深规测深计深度规
depth stabilizer:  下潜深度稳定装置
depth bellows:  深波纹管
depth transducer:  深度传感器
flutter depth:  颤动深度
fuel depth:  燃料深度
abraded depth:  磨蚀深度
buried depth:  埋藏深度埋设深度(覆土深度)埋深埋轩深度埋值深度埋置深度
Example Sentences:
1.The thesis conducts theory and experimental study in depth focusing on this topic , the main work and the creative fruits may be summarized as follows : 1
本文围绕这一主题进行了深入的理论和实验研究,主要完成的工作和取得的创造性成果如下: 1
2.With in - depth focus on complicated engineering feats , out factories were able to exactly copy the needed parts with basic engineering knowledge
3.Stakeholders were consulted on the reviews of the pcf 200001 and pdsr 2001 . they were also invited to join in the more in - depth focus group meetings
4.Membership feedback questionnaire survey was conducted to collect agency members feedback on our major tasks and in - depth focus groups were organized to gauge more concrete views on improvement areas
5.Membership feedback questionnaire survey was conducted to collect agency members feedback on our major tasks and in - depth focus groups were organized to gauge more concrete views on improvement areas
6.It is good for users to increase economic benefits in transports and for worker to make use of space of a container to make transport plan , to estimate expenses and to design sizes of packing cases . the thesis conducts theory and experimental study in depth focusing on this subject
7.In this part , response spectrum and fourier amplitude spectrum are studied , the main results are as follows : 1 ) response spectrum analysis : a ) absolute acceleration response spectrum ( sa ) : ( 1 ) in general , response spectrum decrease with depth , for m < 4 . 5 , the shape and the predominant period of each response spectrum in different depths are similar : the variation of spectra with depth focus on near - surface level ; the normalized spectra are similar to each other , except the predominant perk value in middle depth of some earthquakes is higher than other depth
地震动反应谱沿深度变化的规律( l )加速度反应谱( s 、 )沿深度的变化规律一般,加速度反应谱( s 。 )随深度的增加而减小。震级较小时,不同深度各测点的反应谱形状很相似,卓越周期基本一致;浅层处反应谱沿深度的变化梯度较大;深层处反应谱大小比较接近;强震时,反应谱形状在短周期有较小差别,长周期逐渐接近。
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